"We drink the essence of the best European clubs and festivals": This is WOW, the new entertainment hall in Manresa


Located in the facilities of the SevenSeven nightclub (formerly Silenci), the space will have as its main allies new technologies to offer a unique and rewarding experience to users
After a bumpy start (they opened at the beginning of 2020 and had to close three months later due to the pandemic) and a period of restrictions that forced them to rethink their structure, Grup Ítaca decided to lower the shutter from the SevenSeven nightclub (the former Silenci, in the Trullols estate in Manresa ) to give wings to other projects that they had been wanting to start for some time; projects that wanted to transcend the unique label of nightlife to embrace any time slot. All together, with the entertainment by flag. And not just any entertainment, no. As they explain from the Manresa company, "what we want to offer with this new project is revolutionary entertainment that will leave people in awe."

That's precisely why SevenSeven's successor room is named after WOW , the quintessential onomatopoeia that English people use when they're at a loss for words. "Through the most advanced technology , what we propose to the client is a capital experience that not only takes into account the visual and auditory part, but also prioritizes comfort and enjoyment ", explains Sergi Torra Matamala , of Grup, to NacióManresa Ithaca, who continues: "We want a process as cold as arriving and finding someone who makes you pay for the entrance, to become something original." How is this achieved? "So by making things happen from the moment you pay , whether you receive a notification telling you that you have a free drink or that the next day you come, you have access at half price."

For this to happen, it is indeed necessary to have a mobile device that allows the user to be connected to the room in question: "Our intention is to create community and for our followers to feel that we take them into account and that we reward their loyalty Torra states, while adding that his great ally in this company "is the system we are developing thanks to blockchain and web 3.0 ", two innovative "highly secure and reliable" technologies that ensure that no one can hack people's data which are part, in this case, of the WOW universe. "We work in a decentralized manner , and this allows our platform to function as a community owned by its members , without any consolidated leadership structure," he explains.

Bring the essence of the best European clubs and festivals to Manresa (and beyond)

In recent years, Sergi Torra has had enough of traveling: "It is essential, for a business, that it transforms itself according to the needs of society", he says. In the case of the sector he dominates, that of leisure and entertainment, new technologies have taken on an unprecedented prominence "that we cannot ignore". It is for this reason, and with the desire to become pioneers in Catalonia in this new way of conceiving entertainment (especially for the younger crowd), that Grup Ítaca has wanted to soak up other projects that started before them: " We drink from the essence of the best European clubs and festivals , which offer the most disruptive and ground-breaking experiences", he underlines.
In fact, Grup Ítaca's intention is not to stay solely in the capital of Bages: "We want to bring the WOW model to other Catalan cities , and we are already working to make this happen", he goes on, while pointing out that "the magic of this new concept is that every night - or day - is different , because what we offer is unique and unrepeatable ."

Opening: Saturdays and the eve of public holidays

WOW opened last Saturday, October 28 , reaching almost an absolute full house: "People are eager for new things," Torra celebrates. The ticket to access it has a price of 10 euros and can only be purchased at the box office, on the same day. 
At the moment, Grup Ítaca's intention is to open on Saturday nights and the eve of public holidays, although "since the room allows us so many options, we have also made it available to companies or individuals who want to hold celebrations or events enjoying all the potential offered by new technologies".

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