The agreement to improve doctors' salaries removes the specter of another strike

 The new agreement entails a reduction in the annual daytime and nighttime working hours, accessibility to the collection of objectives without differentiation by type of contract and increases in remuneration for the extra nights spent on weekends

The Catalan Health Institute (ICS) and the unions have unblocked the negotiation of a new agreement for workers in the public health system . With this agreement, signed by the unions Metges de Catalunya, CCOO, UGT and Satse, the salary of around 55,000 workers will improve, who will also see their working hours reduced. The new agreement of the ICS entails a reduction in the annual day and night working hours, the accessibility of the professional career systems and the collection of objectives without differentiation by type of contract and remunerative increases in the nocturnal surpluses in heads of week

"With this agreement, we are consolidating our commitment to professionals", said the Minister of Health, Manel Balcells . The agreement has come after two years of negotiations and several strike days that the unions threatened to repeat. The pact also involves an additional 320 million to improve the conditions of doctors, increasingly burned by excessive bureaucracy, cuts and lack of staff.

Various reactions among the unions

The unions of the ICS sectoral table have ended up signing the agreement after many months of negotiations and with varying degrees of satisfaction. CCOO and the UGT, with four representatives each, celebrated the agreement and claimed the improvements achieved. The three representatives of Metges de Catalunya, for their part, have been more shy about the celebrations and have explained that the public health system needs many more resources to function well. Satse, with two representatives, has also signed the agreement, while the last union, Catac, has left the table without signing.

This is the second important agreement reached in the health field. At the end of last year, the Catalan Union of Hospitals, the Consorci de Salut i Social de Catalunya (CSC), the Catalan Association of Health Entities (ACES) and the unions CCOO, UGT and Satse, arrived to an agreement for a new agreement for the workers of the Integral Health System of Public Use of Catalonia (Siscat)

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