Is the car you are looking for electric?

 We find out with the manager of Servisimó, Francesc Pua, which profile the electric vehicle fits and the advantages it offers today

The future of the automotive industry goes through the electric car, but there is still a way to make it a vehicle of the present . The most significant attraction of this type of vehicle is its ecological footprint and the CO₂ emissions it generates once manufactured: while combustion vehicles increase their footprint every time they travel on the road, electric ones do not.

However, the transition to the electric car must be gradual . This involves working together with the administration, which must "implement more charging points in the towns" and expand aid , which is often limited" , since these types of vehicles have high prices due to their technology leading edge, says the manager of Servisimó, Francesc Pua .

In the search for the ideal car, Servisimó offers advice to guide automotive customers in their decision-making. The manager of the dealership, present in Igualada, Tàrrega and Mollerussa, emphasizes that, in order to be able to recommend a vehicle to a customer, whether electric or combustion, it is necessary to know "how and for what he will use it, as well as his needs displacement" .

So who might be interested in an electric vehicle?

Francesc Pua explains that it will have to be a person who has a private car park with the necessary electrical infrastructure to be able to supply the cargo car, who is aware of the vehicle's - for now, limited - autonomy and can plan trips in relation to the charging stations on the roads.

Currently, it is clear that the electric is not a vehicle for everyone . However, Pua emphasizes that there is a vehicle for each customer and emphasizes that the petrol and diesel cars of today are not the same as years ago , as they have many technological improvements that reduce their footprint" .

In fact, the dealership has a diesel with an ECO label

The future of electric vehicles calls for increasing the charging points, improving their financing, facilitating their transition by favoring the improvement of the infrastructures that are needed and improving their autonomy and their production cost in order to the most economical In addition, it must be facilitated to change from old , more polluting vehicles to new or semi-new ones and thus reduce emissions in the short and medium term .

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