Everyday tricks that will change your life

For years people have wasted time and money on things they thought would help them improve their health and overall lifestyle. The reality is that to improve your life you don't need to make significant changes. In fact, several small changes will end up being much more beneficial.

From adding extra protein and vitamin supplements to every meal, to substituting milk chocolate for dark chocolate, or cutting back on your three weekly McDonald's visits , here are some helpful tips to help you transition to a healthier lifestyle.

1. Eat at home more often

Average price: $10-$15 savings per meal
Benefits: You'll eat healthier and spend less

Cook your own meals. Instead of sitting on the couch eating a burger from a takeout restaurant, buy a pound of ground beef and make burgers, spaghetti, and meatballs. The combined cost of preparing all 3 meals will be about the same as a single takeout order. In addition, you will know what is in the food you have prepared.

Buying a snack or some fast food on the way home is the most convenient way to prepare dinner, but not the healthiest or most cost-effective. And no, more meals at home doesn't mean ordering Uber Eats more often!

2. Walk to the grocery store

Average price: free
Benefits: cardiovascular exercise

Going for a walk every day is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health, but few people find the time to do it. Add a little more cardio to your day by replacing your trip to the grocery store with a walk.

When the weather is not ideal for outdoor activities, it is understandable that people drive to the store. However, there is no reason not to walk on a sunny day. Most people live within a mile of the nearest grocery store. You can only buy what you can take home. Not only will you exercise, but you'll also save money while you do it.

3. Start the day with lemon water

Average price: $2-$3 per pound of lemons
Benefits: hydration, better digestion

Don't be one of the fools who spend unnecessarily on detox waters that cost an average of $2 to $5 per bottle. Hydrate your body while detoxifying it by drinking a large glass of water with lemon to quench thirst.

Cut a whole lemon and soak some pieces in warm water for about half an hour. Drinking lemon-infused water has numerous health benefits. Not only does it help with digestion and hydration, but it also contains 100% less artificial sugar than a can of Coke.

4. Choose whole wheat bread instead of white

Average price: $2.50*
Benefits: more fiber

Swapping white bread for whole wheat bread is a simple trick that can be easily integrated into everyday life. All you have to do is look for the loaf of whole wheat bread in the supermarket instead of the usual white bread.

Whole wheat bread not only has more fiber and nutrition, but it also has more flavor than white bread. If you're not excited about this change, start by using whole wheat bread for French toast and grilled cheese, then work your way up to eating it alone.

5. Take cold showers

Average Price: N/A
Benefits: Improves circulation and alertness

Few things are more wonderful than a long, steamy shower on a cold day—the kind you'll never want to leave. Aside from providing you with warmth from top to bottom, inside and out, this steam provides no benefits. High temperatures are actually more harmful than beneficial.


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