"I had to choose between dying or living": the decision to flee from gender-based violence


Despite the advances in care for victims of male violence, when they take the step of leaving home to flee from their aggressor, women suffer a lot of uncertainty

Andrea had to jump out of the window to escape from her aggressor, her husband, who isolated her inside the house taking advantage of her reduced mobility: "When you are cornered, you have to choose between dying or living; I choose to live ." He explains that this was the only way to go out of his own free will, without anyone telling him when, where, or why.

She now lives in an emergency shelter for victims of gender-based violence , where dozens of women arrive fleeing physical, psychological and social abuse. This is also the case of Tina, who arrived months ago with two children:

"We are hiding, when the ones who should be locked up are them. "

One in three women in the world has suffered physical or sexual violence. An ordeal that does not end when they report or flee, because they often have to change their environment or go to reception centers, and open a stage of great uncertainty: "We suffer where we will go and what will become of us, while he is very calm," .

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